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We are Tivity

We represent and Book Chefs across the Country.

Booking them for events and special occasions - We love what we do, and we love working with the largest network of top level Chefs in the US.

Tivity is about connecting Chefs with people who want good food; who want to entertain; and who don’t have time to make it all happen.

At the core, Tivity is an outlet for Chefs to create one-of-a-kind menus, cook delicious food, be hospitable, and earn income.

For the entertainer, Tivity is an easy and seamless solution to entertain a meal-event without having to create, plan, source, execute, and serve the menu. You customize the menu and experience in collaboration with a Chef, and the Chef will come cook the food in your kitchen on the night of the party.

This is not a catering company. We are the connector that gives you a chance to enjoy the restaurant experience in the comfort of your own home (or wherever you choose).

Bottom line, Tivity is a way for Chefs to do more of what they love: cook and be creative. Chefs showcase their talent and experience from inside your home, and your home becomes the hottest restaurant in town. It does not have to be a special occasion. Just invite some friends over, and we’ll take care of the rest.